Maryland - Payroll Tax Items

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If your company is located in the state of Maryland or if your employees work in Maryland, then be sure to follow these instructions in order to properly set up the Payroll system.


1. Payroll Integrity Tests - If Maryland does not appear on the State Payroll Tax Information screen, then select the Payroll > Integrity Tests > All Tests option to add Maryland (state code 24) to the company costates.adt table.  


2.Employee Information - On the State Taxes Tab of the Employee List Screen, select the Maryland state code. Using the information from the Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate, fill in the employee's tax district information.  The Married / Single status field is used to determine the proper exemption amounts.  An employee marked as Married will have the exemptions calculated based on the following category: Taxpayers Filing Joint, Surviving Spouse, or Head of Household.  An employee marked as Single will have exemptions computed under the All Others category. Note: AccuBuild uses the Integer1 field in empstate.adt to represent the withholding percentage/status.