Version Blue - June 2, 2014

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ENHANCEMENT - The Job Cost > Update Jobs > Contract Status Tab was updated to show the % Complete and the % Billed        percentage figures carried out to 4 decimal places. Previously these fields were only carried out to two decimal places and resulted in        rounding differences when running manual calculations to check the figures on the screen.





CORRECTION - The AR Aging Reports were causing retention amounts to be reported in the wrong column on Miscellaneous AR Retention amounts where cash receipts on retention payments were not being marked as Paid Retention but instead marked as aged current AR. The formulas for this report class have been updated to show any reconstruction paid retention on AR Invoices to be shown under the retention column.


ENHANCEMENT - The SQL Script that produces the report tables for the Union Reports has been updated to include a new report table called “UnionReportTableByWeekEnding” which rolls up the benefits for each employee by week ending date for the reporting period.


CORRECTION - The Union Reports require special processing that was not being carried out when the union report was run from a shortcut link on the Report List or the View List. This problem has been resolved and the Union Reports will now run correctly when launched from either of these desktop shortcuts.





CORRECTION - Time Card Entry Screen – When the screen was exited after entering a manual deduction entry in the time card screen, the Workers Comp code was not being pulled in automatically from the employee’s file for the first entry. This problem has been corrected in this release.





ENHANCEMENT - The Project Management Log has been updated with 5 new fields which can be used for sorting and grouping. These new fields include the following:


Project Manager No. and Name

Supervisor No. and Name

Salesman No. and Name

Work area Number and Name

Spec Section Number and Name


Note: For users who have access to all projects in the system, the groupings for Project Manager, Supervisor, and Salesman will make it much easier to determine which projects are assigned to each person in the system.


ENHANCEMENT - The Job Specification List will now check for any duplicate specification numbers when the screen is closed and warn the user with a list of duplicate spec numbers when found.