Version - June 28, 2012

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ENHANCEMENT - The Dashboards option has new menu options to save and import dashboard templates.  This means you can create dashboards, shortcuts and views and share them with other users or user groups.  For example, you may create dashboard charts that pertain to job budgets and costs for your project managers.  Create the charts once, save them to a template and allow access to these charts to the project manager user group, or to individual users.  If you have multiple companies, the dashboard settings can also be shared between companies.  In addition, AccuBuild has created dashboard templates that you can import to jump start your dashboard setup.


ENHANCEMENT - The User Views on the main program dashboard have been enhanced to include the report dialog with each view so that the data can be filtered for cutoff dates and partial run options just like the associated MAR Report.


BUG FIX - The option to remove a single drill down report on a chart was erroneously removing all drill down reports assigned to any chart; this has been fixed.  In addition, if a NEW drill down report was added to a chart, the original drill down report was not getting replaced; this has been fixed.





ENHANCEMENT - A new AccuBuild Mobile setting has been added to the User Maintenance Screen to allow a ABM user to enter time card entries for just himself or for any employee.  This setting will work in conjunction with the next update of the AccuBuild Mobile program.





UPDATED - The Job Address List has been converted to an MAR report.  This report can be printed in job number order or by job description.  





ENHANCEMENT - All of the vendor check formats have been updated to change the display of the address lines.   Previously if the second address line was not used on a vendor, then the system would place a blank line between the first address line and the city line.  New formulas have been created to prevent this issue.  These changes will NOT automatically affect custom check formats.  Add these formulas to your custom check layouts if you wish to utilize this formatting:


Add these formulas to the check format and replace VendorAddress2 with AddrLine2; replace VendorCity, State and Zip with AddrLine3.


AddrLine2:      iif(trim(isnull(vendoraddress2,''))='',trim(vendorcity)+', '+trim(VendorState)+' '+trim(vendorzip),vendoraddress2)


AddrLine3:      iif(trim(isnull(vendoraddress2,''))<>'',trim(vendorcity)+', '+trim(VendorState)+' '+trim(vendorzip),'')



ENHANCEMENT - Time Card Worksheet Entries report was modified as follows:


The Time Card Worksheet Entries report was modified so that the Notes field would print the time card notes that are entered through AccuBuild Mobile.  The notes field would print correctly if the notes were entered through the Time Card Worksheet Screen manually but not when entered through AB Mobile.  


Time Card Worksheet Entries - My Entries Only (Prrep19.641) - This report was renamed to make it clear that this will only show worksheet entries that were entered by the current user.  A report dialog has been added so that you can select your Open (Non-Processed) entries by a date range and for selected employees.


Time Card Worksheet Entries - All Entries (Prrep19.642) - This new report can filter both 'Open' and 'Processed' worksheet entries, regardless of the user who entered the data, for any date range and for selected employees.





CORRECTION - Changed the Subcontractor Payment Sheet routine so that the Schedule Payments option will be enabled once payment sheets are posted.





CORRECTION - The Time Card Worksheet was miscalculating the total hours when entering start and end times (rather than total hours) that involved 5 minutes or less.  Instead of calculating 5 minutes as .08, it was calculating the time as .8.  This was true on time that was just 5 minutes, or 1 hour and 5 minutes, etc.


CORRECTION - When adding an employee to the system for the first time, the Enter/Update Time Card option would not be enabled until you closed/opened the program; this has been fixed.





CORRECTION - Changed the Purchase Order Invoice routine so that the Schedule Payments option will be enabled once po invoices are posted.