Version Red - July 6, 2011

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ENHANCEMENT - 2011 FUTA Tax Liability Report - (Prrep17c.644) - New report recaps the FUTA rates for the first six months of calendar year 2011 at 0.8% and the last six months at 0.6% along with any over/(under) accrual amounts. This new report should be used for making any FUTA Tax deposits for payroll checks dated in the 2011 calendar year.




CORRECTION - The payroll system was not allowing two users to add new employees at the same time. This problem has been corrected.


CORRECTION - The MAR report 'Employee Address and Phone List' was updated to fix a cosmetic problem where the employee information was split between two pages on each page break.




ENHANCEMENT - The new COR Breakdown Screen has been modified in the way INTERNAL Change Order Requests are handled. The Contract Amounts (Owner's Portion) and Contract Markup amounts are now automatically set to zero for INTERNAL Change Order Requests since these changes are internal only and are never reflected to the owner / bill-to customer.


ENHANCEMENT - The option to Delete a COR from the PM Log will now test to see if associated COR Breakdown items exist before allowing the COR to be deleted. All associated COR Breakdown items must be deleted before the master COR record can be removed from the system.


CORRECTION - The totals in the Master COR Record will now be set to zero whenever all supporting COR Breakdown records are deleted in order to keep the roll up totals correct.


ENHANCEMENT - The COR Linking Screen for COR Price Breakdowns now includes an optional G/L Expense Account field which can be set up with any new estimated cost changes on a COR Breakdown Item to take advantage of the new 3 Tier Job Cost Capsheet Reporting which includes Job, Phase, and GL Account line item totals for budgets vs. actual costs.