Version Red - March 3, 2015

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Job Cost – New Contract Billing Feature


The Contract Billing Screen has been updated to allow overbilling on line items for projects that are set up as Unit Billing on the Job List.  This feature will allow line items to be billed for more quantities than those listed on the detail line item.  This will allow projects to be billed more in line with state and federal projects where the scheduled units can end up over billed or under billed at the end of the project and simply adjusted at the end on the final billing.


In order to use this new feature, you will need to enable the new option in the job cost properties entitled “Allow Completed Unit Overruns on Contract Billings”


Important Note: For Work in Progress Schedule (WIP) reporting, you will want to adjust your contract amounts for overbillings in order to avoid accelerating the percentage of completion on the project.






Job Cost Enhancement


A new framework has been added to the contract billing posting process which will enable AccuBuild Support technicians to implement tailored business rules for the billing posting process.  These enhancements allow for custom SQL Processing to be inserted at the beginning and ending of the billing posting process using the following SQL Script Classes:


102002 - Start of Posting Process – CONTRACT BILLINGS

102003 - End of Posting Process – CONTRACT BILLINGS


AccuBuild Mobile – Reporting Bug Fix


The AccuBuild Mobile Reports were not working correctly for companies that were set up in AccuBuild with a hyphen (‘) in their name such as Joe’s Plumbing and Service.  They hyphen was casing the SQL Statements to fail when a report was generated for mobile.  This problem has been corrected.


Internet Connection – New Setting for Connection Failures


A new function was added for the current setting in the ABCITRIX.INI AccuBuild Program settings file called BUSINESSISGENERIC. This setting can be used to bypass the internet verification process in AccuBuild for companies where the internet service is marginal and the verification process cannot be carried out successfully. To enable the internet bypass, this setting must be set to true as follows: BUSINESSISGENERIC=TRUE.  Note: The ABCITRIX.INI file is located in the AccuBuild Program Directory.


Accounts Payable - ComData Virtual Master Card Payments Update


A programming change was made to comply with new File Transfer Requirements (FTP settings) that will be put into place in March of 2015.  This new version of AccuBuild must be in place in order for all future payment files to be transferred successfully to the ComData FTP Site for payment processing.


Project Management - COR Breakdown Screen Enhancements


Fixed rounding issues on markup percentages to round to 7 decimal places instead of 2.  This corrects the issue where you can set the percentage to 0 and force a markup amount without the system recalculating that amount based on rounding back to 2 decimal places.


The Cost Phase, Expense Account, Billing Phase and Revenue Account lookup controls have the LINKEDLOOKUP property set to FALSE now which will display the current value of the field regardless if the value exists in drop down lookup table.  Previously, if these fields had a value that was not listed in the drop down list, they were displayed as blank.


The queries for the Cost Phase Lookup have been changed to include the default expense account. When the job lookup checkbox is checked for the cost phase lookup, the lookup list will now be obtained from the ESTDETL table instead of the JOBCOST table so that the associated expense account can be included instead of reverting to the expense account on the phase master.  If multiple expense accounts exist for the same cost phase in the ESTDETL table, then the maximum account will be used.  If the job lookup checkbox is NOT checked, then the associated expense account on the phase master will be used.


The queries for the Billing Phase Lookup have been changed to include the default revenue account. When the job lookup checkbox is checked for the billing phase lookup, the lookup list will pull the associated revenue account from the ESTDETL table when one exists.  If multiple revenue accounts exist on the job for the same billing phase, then the maximum revenue account number will be used.  If there is no associated revenue account on the job, then the revenue account will be pulled from the job cost properties setting.


The grid at the bottom of the screen has been updated to include fields for the expense account and the revenue account


When the expense account or revenue account on existing breakdown items is changed and the item(s) are linked to the accounting system (ESTDETL table), then the field in the ESTDETL table will be updated with the account number changes.


Accounts Receivable – Time and Material Invoice – BUG FIX


The posting process for payroll was corrected to fix an issue where the historical time card record ID was not being updated correctly in the PMPERSONNEL table during posting.  The ID field is used to link the historical time card records to the timecard worksheet entries so that the exact work date can be queried for time and material billings.  When the ID field is not updated correctly, the week ending date is used instead of the actual work date.  This issue should be corrected now.