Line Items & Comments

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The controls at the bottom of the screen allow you to enter one or more line items for identifying the quantity and type of items being delivered. Note: If you need to include a date with each line item you can enable a date field by clicking on the Show Item Dates option on the Help Menu.


Insert New Line Item -        Use the right-click menu option to insert a new line item or simply push the down arrow on the last item of the list to create a new item at the end of the list.


Delete Line Item - Use the right-click menu option to delete a line item or use the Ctrl-Del key combination.


Comments Tab - Use this tab to add any special instructions to be included on the form.  This field now allows unlimited text which was previously limited to 250 characters (Version Blue). Note: You will need to modify the Transmittal Letter Form to accommodate the extra space needed for the additional text.