Inventory List

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The Inventory List Report Screen contains to report options: Fiscal Year Balances and Inventory Quantities After Commitments.  


Fiscal Year Balances

This report prints a list of all inventory items that are currently in the inventory master file. The list is printed in order by inventory category codes, and subtotals are printed for each category. Each line item of the report includes the inventory part number and description, the storage location, the quantity on hand, the current selling price and the extended amount on hand.


Inventory Quantities After Commitments

This report is used to determine the "net" quantity available for each part number after taking into consideration any outstanding stock orders that have not be received as well as committed balances of stock requests.


Qty On Hand

This column pulls the current quantity on hand in the system as of today's balance (regardless of the fiscal year end balance).  


Pending Orders

Current (open) Stock Orders that are waiting for delivery are included in this column. Any stock order that has not been received in the system is considered to be a pending order until it is closed.  When reviewing the inventory balances, the pending stock order quantities must be considered in case there is a back order.  An additional stock would not be need to placed if the pending order will cover your needs.


Stock Requests

These are requests that create the commitment of stock to a job.  These commitments are moved to the job via stock fulfillments.  Only open stock requests are considered in this column.


Stock Transfers

This column contains the quantity of stock requests from column C that have been transferred to the jobs.  Stock is transferred to the jobs via the Stock Fulfillment option and as these fulfillments are entered in the system, the inventory balance is reduced.


Committed Balance

This column represents the balance of the stock requests that are still waiting to be transferred to the jobs and is simply the difference between the Requested and Fulfilled quantities of each Stock Order. Note: The Committed Balance is set to zero whenever the Fulfilled quantity exceeds the Requested quantity.


Net Inventory

This is the actual quantity on hand and may be a negative balance if there is not enough inventory stock on hand to cover all the current commitments.  A negative balance would dictate that stock should be ordered.