Formatting DBRichText Fields

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RFI description field – This is a rich text field on the data entry screen. When you right click on the text, change the font, click APPLY and then click Save. We were missing the APPLY step. On the RFI form, this is brought into the form as a dbrichtext field which is correct; it will read the font changes that you entered on the data entry screen. 
Proposed description field and Response text – These are NOT rich text fields on the data entry screen. These are NOT in the form correctly. They are currently in the form as dbrichtext fields. Deleted those descriptions fields and drag/drop the fields onto the form (like we did earlier); this will bring them in as dbmemo fields which can be formatted on the Design tab. 
Note: You can’t use the drag /drop method for a rich text field because it still wants to bring it into the form as a dbmemo and you get the garbage printout. If you had to add the rich text field manually to a report, you click on the dbrichtext icon at the top and drop it onto the form. Then you select the database and field name at the top of the screen.