Version Aqua - March 31, 2014

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UPDATED - The AccuBuild Company Templates for General Contractors and Subcontractors which are used to streamline the new company setup process have been updated with the latest structure changes for the 9.2 Version of AccuBuild. In addition, the company template global settings have been corrected and the company property settings will now be included with the Templates.  The TestData Template that is used for setting up test data in a company has also been updated to correct the company property settings which are now included with the template.





UPDATED - The AccuBuild Blog on the main dashboard screen has been updated to point to the new AccuBuild Website which was moved to a cloud server in February of 2014. The old link was not working after the website was moved and this problem has now been corrected.





ENHANCEMENT - The Import Job Estimate Files option has been updated with new features and settings as outlined below:


New Excel Components have been added to the screen in order to handle new versions of Excel Spreadsheets.

The Import Screen can now be expanded to full-size to make it easier to view.

A splitter bar was added between the upper panel where the original spreadsheet data is displayed and the lower panel where the imported AccuBuild Data is displayed before posting. This will now allow you to adjust the window size for each of these grids for reviewing the data before posting to the job.

Cosmetic changes were made to the screen to prevent the top panel and bottom panel from being flipped which was occurring on some Windows 7 and Windows 8 machines depending on the monitor resolution.





ENHANCEMENT - The Calculate Payroll Taxes screen has been updated to display the current setting for the Payroll Period so that the setting can be reviewed before calculating taxes. This is useful for companies that have to run multiple types of payroll such as weekly for field and bi-weekly for office staff.