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Version - June 13, 2003

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Corrected 'Grid Index out of Range' error that was encountered in Misc A/R Invoices when the Add Button was selected.  Also fixed various issues with the invoices when the user changed the invoice number.


Added a prompt for the collation of copies when printing Misc A/R Invoices.


New Feature - Residential Template


Corrected the tax calculation for California Withholding on salaried employees where the pay period was monthly and the regular pay was weekly.


New Feature - The union codes have been enhanced with a rate effective date so that a historical list of codes and rates can be maintained.  This will enable the user to print a single union report for any month regardless if there have been a rate change during the reporting period.


New Feature - The union codes have also been enhanced with regular and overtime rate fields for pays, deductions and benefits so that fewer codes will need to be created to handle the variations in the pay types.


New Feature - The union table can now accomodate a maximum of 15 union benefits.  In addition, new benefit types of Per Day, Per Week and Per Month have been added.


New Feature - Two new union reports have been added (Advanced Union Reports) to replace the five original union report formats.


The certified payroll reports have been modified to include a temporary copy of the union table which will hold all of the union codes that are effective for the week ending date of the report.


The timecard screen will now display the date of each day of the week when certifying hours.


Added new Federal Withholding Tables for the new tax law passed May 28, 2003 and which must implemented by July 1, 2003.


The employee screen can now has a button that will display current, inactive or all employees.