Version Red - August 9, 2018

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CORRECTION - Writing Records - [PMID Ref No 8572]


The mobile app stored procedure library was updated for the abm_DailyReportTimeCardRecord_Write procedure to handle single quotes in the employee name that was causing the record write to fail.  Previously, the work around was to remove the single quote from the employee name field(s) in the Accubuild Employee List.  This issue is resolved with the stored procedure update.





CORRECTION - Security Setting for PO Delete Buttons  [PMID Ref No 6730]


The security settings for the Delete Buttons on the Purchase Order Master Screen were not being respected if the filter for the PO List was changed while the screen was open.  Both the Master Delete Button and the Item Delete Button will now be secured based on the user’s security setting for the PO Delete Operation regardless of the filter setting.