Version Blue - November 28, 2016

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AccuBuild Analytics


BUG FIX - Made changes to the database connection paths to use UNC Paths from the mobile configuration table.  This will require the User UNC Paths to be updated inside the AccuBuild Main Program (User Maintenance Screen) as part of the setup process for users to access the AccuBuild Analytics program.  This corrections fixes the connection errors on networks using mapped drive letters.


Customer Transactions Cube - added new fields for class 8564

oMailing Address

oMailing CityStateZip

oShipping Address

oShipping CityStateZip


New Fiscal Year Fields for each transaction date (TRANS_DATE) - These are the new fields that are based on the TRANS_DATE of each record:


FY_Month - Fiscal Year Month Number (1st, 2nd 3rd month of Fiscal Year)

FY_Quarter - Fiscal Year Quarter Number

FY_Year - Fiscal Year - for Fiscal Year End


oJob Cost Capsheet Transactions Cube (contains the new FY fields)

oLedger Transactions Cube (contains the new FY fields)



AccuBuild Mobile - New Setting


The AccuBuild Mobile Screen (File > System Admin) has a new setting which allows for the required job cost phase to be zero (skipped) when this option is enabled.  By default when this setting is NOT checked, you must enter a cost phase if the time entry is charged to a job to prevent any invalid job - phase entries from being made.  If this box is checked, then this phase requirement will be DISABLED and the user can save the time entry to a job without needed to select a cost phase on the job.





General Ledger - Bank Reconciliation - BUG FIX


When a bank reconciliation batch is created and then closed, and then a vendor name is changed in the client list and that vendor has one or more outstanding checks in the current bank reconciliation batch, it was causing a new entry to be added to the bank reconciliation batch when the bank reconciliation was reopened.  This problem has been corrected, and a new record will no longer be added, and the current entry in the bank reconciliation will keep the original vendor name description.  If you MUST have the vendor name updated in the bank reconciliation batch, you will need to delete the bank



Job Cost - Estimate Import - Enhancement


The Estimate Import Process has been updated to handle a new field mapping for the Job Number for detail items that are imported from Excel.  This means that you will be able to import items for multiple job numbers at the same from a single spreadsheet.


The business rules for using this new process are outlined below:


oIf the job field is one of the field mappings in the estimate import template layout, then the job number from the job column of the spreadsheet will be used as the target job number for each detail item that is created.  If there is no job field in the field mappings list, then the target job will be pulled from the Job field at the top left of the screen.


oAll the jobs in the job import file MUST already exist on the Job List.  You will NOT be able to import estimate items on jobs that have not been set up in AccuBuild.  If any jobs do not exist, then the posting process will display a list of missing jobs and then the posting will be canceled until the jobs are added. NOTE: You can use the Job List icon  to add new jobs if needed.


When multiple jobs are involved in the import, the item numbers will be automatically numbered for the next sequential item number for each specific job.


The MAR Form for printing out the estimate import has been updated to include the job number to help group job estimates together on multi-job imports.


The import screen check box options are now saved and restored each time the screen is opened on a user by user basis.



Purchase Orders - BUG FIX


When a new order of any type was created and saved, if the order number being saved was a duplicate order number, the save process would fail without showing any error message.  This problem has been corrected and when a duplicate order number is encountered, an exception error will be displayed indicating that the field must be unique (unique key value required).