Running the Trucking Integrity Tests

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This option allows the user to periodically perform a series of integrity tests on the data in the Trucking Module.  These tests are also performed automatically with the System Administrator > Month End option.


By selecting the All Tests option on the Trucking > Integrity Tests Menu a series of integrity tests can be run at any time on the trucking files. There are no master files in the accounts receivable system, and therefore the integrity tests for this module will concentrate on the open receivable invoice file (OpenAr.adt) and the cash receipts file (Receipts.adt).


All Tests


When the All Tests option is selected, AccuBuild will begin testing for any file errors or corruption in the accounts receivable files. The progress bar at the top of the screen and the AccuBuild Progress Information box both display each stage of the testing process. The progress box displays the name of the test and the message 'Process Complete…' when the tests have been completed without detecting any errors or corruption. If errors are detected, the progress box will display the error beneath the test name. The user should then select Print to obtain a copy of the error message and call AccuBuild Technical Support for assistance. The progress information will remain on the screen until the Close button is selected.


The following is a brief description of the tests that will be performed when the All Tests option is selected:


Validate Partial Payment on Open Receivable Invoices - This test will scan all of the unpaid freight bills and citrus bills in the openar.adt table and locate any invoices where partial payments have been made. When a partial payment is encountered, the cash receipts file (receipts.adt) will be scanned to add up the amounts from the cash receipt entries to make sure the total is in balance with the partial payment amount on the open receivable invoice.