Tailored Solutions for Payroll

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Tailored Solutions for Payroll Posting Process


Tailored Solutions for Time Card Worksheet Import Process



Tailored Solutions for Payroll Posting Process - In order to provide tailored business rules for the payroll posting process, custom SQL processes can be inserted at the beginning and ending of the payroll posting process using the following SQL Script Classes:


101702 - Start of Posting Process - AUTO CHECKS

101703 - End of Posting Process - AUTO CHECKS

101802 - Start of Posting Process - HW CHECKS

101803 - End of Posting Process - HW CHECKS

101902 - Start of Posting Process - VOID CHECKS

101903 - End of Posting Process - VOID CHECKS



Tailored Solutions for Time Card Worksheet Import Process - The Worksheet Import Pay Rate framework (Class 111700) allows Tailored Solutions to be created when Time Card Worksheet records are imported.  


Two steps are required in order to set up this new framework:


The custom framework class number 111700 must be added to the COMPANY Script using the Custom SQL Script Utility Tool in the AccuBuild Program.  NOTE: You DO NOT need to modify any SQL Script in this custom class, you only need to add the class to the Company Class List.  When timecard worksheet records are being imported, the system will look for this custom class setup, and if enabled, will then trigger a call to the abm_TS_GetTailoredPayRate stored procedure.


The second step in the setup process is to modify the abm_TS_GetTailoredPayRate stored procedure to carry out the new business rules (112000 Class).  This stored procedure received the time card record fields for each individual record and then returns a new rate and new amount which is then written to the AccuBuild Time Card Record in the PRTCBAT Table.  NOTE: If you do NOT modify the procedure, then the original rate and amount fields are returned by default.


abm_TS_GetTailoredPayRate This stored solution can be customized with business rules to test the set of fields for each time card record BEFORE the fields are saved to the payroll batch (PRTCBAT) so that the rate and/or pay can be modified based on the related fields.  When the pay amounts are modified at this level, then all associated records that are generated from the pay amount are computed accurately (for pays and deductions that are based on a percentage of the pay amounts).  

An example of where this process can be used is when the employee has to be paid the higher of two pay rates when compared to the rate on the employee file vs. the rate on the union file.  The abm_TS_GetTailoredPayRate stored procedure can be tailored to change up the business rules so that pay rates are modified on the fly during the import.


Important Notes:  


When this process is enabled, an audit trail file labeled abm_TS_GetTailoredPayRateAUDITTRAIL.txt will be created in the User Folder for each record that is processed.  


When this process is enabled, a table in the User Folder titled TCW_FilteredRecIDs will contain a list of the time card worksheet record IDs that were imported.  This table can then be used by the framework class script to identify the records that are imported when the user is processing a partial list of time cards. (Version Purple) [PMID Ref No 2936]