My AccuBuild Reports Overview

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My AccuBuild Reports (MAR) provides each user an easy interface to the reports and forms within AccuBuild.  Depending on user permissions within AccuBuild, the user can customize a copy of an existing report or form, or build custom reports and forms which are then categorized according to the specific AccuBuild Module such as job cost, payroll, etc.


My AccuBuild Reports utilizes the ReportBuilder Pro program to query data and design reports.  This option has many advantages:


Supports SQL
Drill down reporting is fully supported
AccuBuild Document Management Integration
Full User and Group Based Security for each report and report screen functionality
Hyperlinks in the report allow instant viewing of any document filed in ADMS
Auto Conversion of any report to PDF, Excel, and HTML formats
Full E-Mail Integration for attaching reports and e-mailing on the fly
Report descriptions are assigned by the user for easier recognition of desired report
Each user can maintain their own set of reports instead of relying on company based shared reports
Each user can easily modify their reports within the AccuBuild System




Using My AccuBuild Reports


Report Access & Security Settings


Using ReportBuilder Pro