Grouping, Filtering & Sorting

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Grouping, Filtering, & Sorting – The various logs are displayed in a grid that is very similar to a spreadsheet, but much faster and easier to manipulate.  The grid display supports grouping, filtering, and sorting on any column to allow you to locate and organize your information in any format.


oGrouping – Column grouping is accomplished by dragging the desired column heading up to the top of the screen in the grouping area.  By default the grids are grouped by job number as noted by the Job Control that resides in the grouping area when the log screen if first opened.  You can group multiple fields, and as these fields are dragged into the group area, a tree structure is dynamically built onto the grid to represent the grouping order.  To remove a field grouping, simply drag the field back to the column heading area on the grid.


oFiltering – To filter the data, click on the down arrow next to the column heading and pick your filter option.  A unique list of each field value will be available to select fields that contain a single specific value, such as a log number or the open / close status of the log entries.  Use may also use the Custom Option to create filters based on formulas such as a date range.  Filters are displayed in the footer of the grid.  You may toggle the check box next to the filter to disable/enable the filter.  Click the 'X' next to the filter to completely remove the filter.


oSorting – Columns may be sorted by clicking on the column heading of any column.  A small arrow is displayed next to the column heading to indicate the ascending / descending order of the sort.  Only one column can be sorted at a time.