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Version - June 27, 2008

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Be sure that each user resets the AccuBuild Toolbar in order to see the new features and enhancements.



Enhancement - Miscellaneous A/R Invoices can now be printed as MAR Forms allowing end user customization of Invoice forms and multiple versions of the form for such things and quotes and estimates that are printed from the A/R Invoice Information. Note: Be sure to update report security for the new Customer Invoice Forms in order to use the MAR Forms with Misc A/R Invoices.  



Enhancement - Miscellaneous A/R Invoices can now be marked as HOLD to prevent selected invoices from being posted with a batch.



Enhancements - The Client Properties Screen contains a new button on the Settings Tab for setting up User Defined Fields on the Client List.  The Client List contains a new tab called UDFs (User Defined Fields) for entering data into the new user defined fields.



New Feature - Two new fields have been added to the Acct Tab on the Client List under the new Default Pricing Group.  The Purchasing field allows individual vendors to be set up with specific pricing from the new Inventory Master pricing fields.  The Sales field is a reserved field which will be used in a future update.



Correction - In network environments when 2 or more users were adding clients at the same time, the same client number was being used for new clients and the last user to save their information would have to cancel and start all over.



User defined fields can be set up for the Document List Screen.

The Document List Screen has been redesigned to use a grid for displaying documents to make it easier to locate and organize the complete list of documents.



Enhancements - User defined fields can be set up for the Equipment List.



Enhancements - User defined fields can be set up for the Chart of Accounts.



New Feature

A new properties setting has been added to the Inventory Menu for Inventory Property Settings.  A default purchase price will be used to determine which field to use by default when creating a PO for inventory items.

User defined fields can now be set up for the inventory master list.




The inventory part number field has been increased from 15 characters to 50 characters in order to be compatible with more 3rd party inventory and estimating systems.

The Inventory Master List Screen has been enhanced with a new grid to enable user defined lookup of records much easier.




The Job Cost Master Screen has been enhanced with a new grid to enable user defined lookup of records on the Job List to make lookup easier.

User defined fields can now be set up on the Job List, the Phase Master List, the Detail Items, and on the Cash Basis Costs Tab.

The Job Detail Items Screen  - a new option on the Job Cost Menu and an existing option on the PM Menu) - has  new buttons:  Related COR Items button, Item Audit Trail button, and Edit Item button.

The Job List has been enhanced to support new Production Unit fields on the capsheet phases.  These new fields are located on the Historical | Cash Basis Costs | UDFs Tab and are used for monitoring production units for each job cost phase.

The Import Job Estimate Files option has been enhanced to include several new field mappings as well as field mapping for all user defined fields in the estimate detail file.  The new field mappings allow for 3 new field types to be imported from Excel and include date fields, logical fields (true / false) and memo fields for large blocks of text.




The MAR Version of the Job Cost Capsheet has been corrected so that the handwritten check amounts that were not related to a payable invoices are not longer duplicated.

The Reprint Contract Billing option had a bug in the 8302 release which generated an error indicating that field "IsChangeOrder' is missing has been corrected.

The job number field on the job list will now check for invalid characters which may cause exception errors when loading the PM logs due to SQL script errors.

The MAR version of the Committed Cost Report was showing retention amounts on subcontract orders from the PO system as part of other costs rather than as part of the committed costs.




The Custom Form Assignments option has been added to the Reports Menu and has been enhanced to allow for default Global forms to be used in addition to assigning specific forms for Jobs, Users, and Clients.

A new version of the COR form has been added called COR with Cost Breakdown.  This form includes all of the new markup fields for COR amounts and can be tailored for each companies specific markup needs.

All PO form types have been converted to the MAR forms so that they can be customized at the user level.



Correction - The partial run dialog on the Employer Contribution Worksheet - Week Ending Date Range was not working and generating an exception error.



Enhancement - PM Logs and Reports

The user defined fields have been expanded to ten fields for each field type in order to make the customization of the logs more flexible.

The job list when adding new log entries can now be sorted by job or by job description.

A new COR form called Change Order Request Summary of Categories has been added which prints a total of all category amounts that are associated with a COR along with the individual COR forms for each category.

A new report called Contract Breakdown by Category recaps each category contract amount for approved CO amounts (COR requests that are linked to CO).

Various PM reports were updated to include a Job Information Table for adding job fields to the report if needed.  Reports include the RFI Status Reports, CO Request Reports, and Submittal Status Reports.




The category list in all PM Logs are now sorted in order by the category number.

Daily Reports - the Wind Speed field on the Weather Tab can now be changed.

The In Hands Of field on the Meeting Minutes Tab has been corrected so that data is saved correctly.

PM Log Fix Utility - A new option is available on the Help Menu which will identify COR Log entries that are linked to the wrong CO number.  This utility will UNLINK any COR that is connected to an invalid CO and produce a report of any problem CORs that were discovered. Be sure to review all the documentation on this option before attempting to use it.

The Contract Agreement on the Category List now prints the correct spelling on the contract date.  For example, a contract date of 6/21/2008 will be printed as 21st day of June 2008.



New Feature - The My Day Tab now includes options for synchronizing events from the AB Events Log to Microsoft Outlook AND from Outlook back to AB Events Log.



Enhancements - COR Log

The COR Log has been expanded to include new markup percentage fields at the COR level as well as the CO level.  Use these fields for such things as bonds, insurance, profit and overhead, etc.

Once a COR has been attached to a CO, the amount fields cannot be changed.



New Feature - Automatic Accounting Updates - When this option is checked, the COR entries will be automatically synchronized with the Detail Items in the Job Cost Module.  This option can be enabled for all jobs or on a job by job basis.  Be sure to read the business rules on this option to fully understand how the link is updated to the job cost module.



Enhancements - CO Log

The CO Log now shows the Total CO Amount in the dialog which is a summary of all CORs that are linked the CO.



Enhancements - My Day

The Tasks and Events screen have been updated with new user defined fields.


Enhancements - Job Detail Items Menu Option

The COR Log entries can now be tied to the job cost side of the accounting system via the job detail items for setting up estimated costs and contract amounts that are related to the CORs.  In addition, the COR Log entries can be linked to subcontractor payment sheets or subcontractor orders.  The Detail Items screen has been enhanced with new buttons for managing the linking of the estimate items from the job cost system to the COR Log and editing existing detail items.

Item Audit Trail - All historical changes to the estimate detail file will now be recorded along with the user name and date of the change.  This trail will include the original field value and the change made to the field.




The PO Screen has been enhanced with a new grid to enable user defined lookup of records much easier.

User defined fields can now be set up on Purchase Orders.

New part number lookup has been added to the line items tab to enable faster lookup of part numbers by Part Description and UPC Code.

The PO line items now contain a new field called COR Link which is used to link a line item on a Subcontract Order or PO to a COR.

All PO form types have been converted to the MAR forms so that they can be customized at the user level.



Wish List - The Documents Tab on the employee list can now be secured like the other tabs on this screen to prevent access to employee documents by unauthorized persons.  Secure this tab using the User Settings or Group Settings.



Correction - The lookup control for voiding payroll checks has been fixed to allow the check number to be typed in instead of scrolling through the entire list.



Payroll Tax Updates

Utah - The tax calculation method for 2008 and revised the previously published calculation methods slated for January 1, 2008.  The new revised calculation methods was released on February 19, 2008 but is effective for January 1, 2008.

Idaho - New tax tables were issued on March 25, 2008 to be used immediately for 2008 payroll.




User defined fields can now be set up on the Employee List.

The EEO Report has a new option for including NON job employees on the report.




New option called Auto Create Company Index Tables will cause missing ADI tables in the company directory to be created during the Open Company process.

New option called SQL Dictionary Comparison Utility is used to compare the current company data dictionaries to the master data dictionary to make sure all fields, indexes, and tables are current for the company.



Fixed "Error 5096 Encryption not enabled" message on indexing system tables regarding "abtooffice.adt'.

The progress pie chart  on the table indexing has been corrected to reflect the actual progress instead of reaching 100% before the indexing was finished.