Version Red - August 12, 2016

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NEW REPORT - A new G/L report has been added to the MAR Reports Library which mimics the traditional version of the Monthly Balances Report. IMPORTANT NOTE: This Report should ONLY be run with the CURRENT FISCAL YEAR option and the Fiscal Year End Date as the cutoff date.


oGLREP02A.656 ­ Monthly Activity Totals ­ Current Fiscal Year



Purchase Order


CORRECTION - On Purchase Order invoices that were entered via the invoice routing process, a rounding issue existed for items that had large quantities and fractions of cents on the item pricing. This issue was prohibiting the SAVE Button from being enabled after all of the entries were made. This issue has been corrected.


CORRECTION - The EDIT Option for PO AP Invoices had an issue with creating additional duplicate invoice entries in the batch. This issue has been corrected.