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This setting will enable the time card adjustments during the timecard worksheet import process to split out any timesheets where the start date and end date of the work shift are on different days so that the hours are separated out as separate date transactions.  For example, a timecard worksheet entry that starts at 8:00pm on one day and finishes at 4:00am on the following day is reported as one entry for the starting date with 8 hours.  During import with this new setting enabled, the time that is imported will be split into separate entries for the starting date (4 hours) and the ending date (4 hours).  This split will be done in the TIMECARD Table but the original timecard worksheet and associated Daily Report entries will remain as originally entered.


NOTE: Although this process was designed to handle time card split of hours for KANA PMID 3620, the routine can be tailored by simply modifying the new BASECOMP Stored procedure as shown below:

called sp_ab_TCWTransform(
                                       input_table CHAR(20),
                                       output_table CHAR(20),
                                       UserID INTEGER,
                                       ResultMessage CHAR ( 2500 ) OUTPUT,
                                       ResultStatus Integer OUTPUT

Where the input_table is a copy of the PMPERSONNEL Table in the user folder (BASEUSER) for the records that are marked for import called pmpersonnel_Transform_In and output_table is the transformed table result set called pmpersonnel_Transform_Out

The pmpersonnel_Transform_Out table then becomes the source file for posting records in the TCIMPORT table and then onto the PRTCBAT table for the user.


This option needs to be enabled through the System Admin > Configuration > Accounting > Advanced Settings screen.


Time Cards for Night Work - Night work shifts that would start on the evening of day one and finish the morning of day two, were posting into the time card records with only the date that the employee started the work.  In order to prevent the need of creating two Daily Reports to log hours on each day, a new Advanced Setting was created called TransFormTCWorksheetEntriesOnImport that will take a single DFR entry and post it as two separate entries in the time card table.  This option only works in conjunction with time that is entered with a start / stop time and Stop Date where the Stop Date is not the same as the Start Date.

oSetup - This setting must be enabled in the System Administrator > Advanced Setting screen.


