Orders Integrity Tests

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This option allows the user to periodically perform a series of integrity tests on the data in the Orders module.  These tests are also performed automatically with the System Administrator > Month End option.


When the All Tests option is selected, AccuBuild will begin testing for any file errors or corruption in the orders master and detail transaction files. The progress bar at the top of the screen and the AccuBuild Progress Information box both display each stage of the testing process. The progress box displays the name of the test and the message 'Process Complete…' when the tests have been completed without detecting any errors or corruption. If errors are detected, the progress box will display the error beneath the test name. Select Print to obtain a copy of the error message and call AccuBuild Technical Support for assistance. The progress information will remain on the screen until the Close button is selected.


The following is a brief description of the tests that will be performed when the All Tests option is selected.


Check for Valid Tax District Codes

This test mainly deals with company data that has been imported from the DOS Version of AccuBuild. The DOS Version used a state code of '06' for California and the AccuBuild Windows Version uses a state code of '00' for California in order to be consistent with the state codes that are used in the payroll system. If any orders are found with the old state code of '06', they will be updated with the new state code during this process.


Validate Order Numbers on PODetail Table to the POMaster Table

This test will test to make sure that all of the detail line items in the podetail.adt table have corresponding master record in the pomaster.adt table to make sure that there is no corruption between these two files. The pomaster.adt file contains the actual order information such as the vendor name and address etc., while the podetail.adt table contains the actual line items for each order.


Validate Stock Fulfillments to the PODetail Table

This option compares all of the historical stock fulfillment transactions in the pofulfil.adt table to the corresponding line item in the podetail.adt table to make sure the line items are valid.


Validate Receiver Transactions to the PODetail Table

This option compares all of the historical receivers in the porecvr.adt table to the corresponding line item in the podetail.adt table to make sure the line items are valid.


Validate Vendor Invoices to the PODetail Table - This option compares all of the historical vendor invoices relating to purchase orders in the poapinv.adt table to the corresponding line item in the podetail.adt table to make sure the line items are valid.


Check for blank PO Numbers or Invalid Order Types in POMaster Table - This option reviews the list of POs to make sure that all records have a valid PO number and that the PO type exists (Purchase Order, Stock Order, Stock Request, Subcontract Order).  If these fields are blank, the records should be updated or deleted to prevent errors when printing reports or accessing the PO list.


Check for missing vendor numbers on Orders - This option searches the list of POs for any blank vendor number fields.  If this field is blank, the record should be updated or deleted in or to prevent errors when printing reports or accessing the PO list.