GL Detail Report

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The G/L Detail Report prints a detail listing of all the transaction records contained in the Ledger system. These records not only include the general journal entries that are entered in the general ledger, but they also include the transaction entries from all of the other modules.


This report may be printed in order by:


account number - This report is available in summary (glrep01e.651) and full detail (glrep01a.651).  


batch number (glrep01b.652) - Batch subtotals should equal zero if the general ledger is in balance (debits equal credits).  Drill down on a batch to see the detail transactions.


source code (glrep01c.653) - This report prints g/l account totals for each source code (source codes represent the transaction type such as a/p checks, payroll checks, PO invoices, etc).  The source subtotal should equal zero if the general ledger is in balance (debits equal credits).  Drill down on an account total to see the detail transactions.


job (glrep01d.654) - This report prints g/l account subtotals, including cash and accounts receivable, for each job. This report will pull detail transaction records directly from the Sales Journal in order to obtain the actual job number associated with general ledger transactions that are “non job cost” related.  In addition, a summary table called LEDGERDETAILSALESBYBATCHTOTALS.ADT is created with each MAR GL Report which will contain a list of batch numbers and g/l accounts where the totals from the gldetail table and the sales table are not in balance.  These files should never be out of balance unless there are unusual circumstances such as editing of batches, hardware failures, or data corruption.  A new footer description has been added to the MAR Ledger Detail reports to indicate how the records are created for sales related transaction as shown below:


This report queries the historical gldetail records and related sales table records in order to determine the job number associated with each gldetail record for non-jobcost records where the job number is not stored in the gldetail record.  During this query process, the job number (gljob field) and transaction records are created from the sales table records for source codes 20, 21 and 30 and these records are NOT pulled from the gldetail table for this report.  A special table called LedgerDetailSaleseByBatchTotals is created for this report which traps any batches where the sales records and gldetail records DO NOT match.


The above script changes will correct any issues where the job numbers could not be obtained accurately when multiple invoices of the same amount and same invoice description were posted together in the same batch.