Audit Trail for Company Registration Process

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Enhancement - Audit Trail for Company Registration Confirmation Process [PMID Ref No 21551]


A new audit trail file has been added to the Aatrix process that checks for the current company registration status.  The registration status process is run any time the Aatrix Forms processor is loaded in order to confirm that company registration information is current with Aatrix.  During this process, several validation steps are carried out that return result codes (along with additional audit information) which determine if the result was successful or not.  These result codes are now logged in the AatrixRegCheckInfo.txt file (located in the AccuBuild program folder) to help determine the cause when the registration process fails.


Important: The following information is intended for the AccuBuild Support team in order to work with Aatrix to resolve any issues with running the Aatrix Tax forms.


RC1 - This Code indicates whether or not the initialization of the Aatrix registration process was successful.  The system expects the Aatrix registration.dll file to exist in the Aatrx DLL Directory which is listed in the audit file as the DLLDir.  For example: ‘C:\ProgramData\AatrixSoftware.   If the DLL file exists, then the registration process is executed with the AccuBuild Vendor Code, and if the initialization is successful, RC1 will be set to 1.  The dllHandle value will be a positive number if the Aatrix registration.dll file exists.  If RC1 is not set to 1, then the process will be terminated and a message will be logged with the RC1 value listed as the Error Code and the Aatrix Error Message.


RC2 - The next step in the validation process is to make sure the company using AccuBuild has a valid registration code with Aatrix based on their company Federal Tax ID.  If the company has a valid registration code, then RC2 will be set to 1 and the Aatrix Process will continue with the tax form processing. If RC2 is not set to 1, then the process will continue and the Aatrix Error message will be logged in the audit file which should explain what the RC2 Error code means.


RC3 - If the process reaches this step (where RC2 does not equal 1), the system will try to automatically register the company that is using the AccuBuild Program.  If this registration is successful, then RC3 will be set to 1 and the tax form processing will continue.  If the RC3 value is not set to 1, this indicates that the registration process failed and the Aatrix Error message will be logged in the audit file.  NOTE: When RC3 is not set to 1, additional information should be reviewed in the audit table as noted:


oAatricFnc_RegisterUserEX - This field will list the original Aatrix Error code that caused the registration failure and may or may not be the same value as RC3.  This would be the true code to report any error to Aatrix for the actual error code.  If RC3 is set to 777, that is an AccuBuild code and does NOT relate to the Aatrix list of error messages.


oAdditional RC3 Results Info - Additional debug information for the auto registration process can  be found between the starting and ending labels for the RC3 process which are listed below. This additional information includes the company FEI and name and the software expiration dates:


AatrixFuncs.AatrixReg_RegisterUserEX Routine [START]

COEIN - Company EIN

CONAME - Company Name

SoftwareFeesExpStr - AccuBuild Software Expire Date

YearFeesExp - Year for Software Expiration Date - Sent to Aatrix

MonthFeesExp - Month for Software Expiration Date - Sent to Aatrix

AatrixFuncs.AatrixReg_RegisterUserEX Routine [END]


Important: If you have problems getting the Aatrix Program to Auto Register, be sure to check your company name in the AccuBuild Program to make sure there is not an ‘&’ in the company name.  You can correct the name as explained below to see if this helps to resolve any Aatrix Auto Registration problems (The AccuBuild Program has been modified to remove the ‘&’ Symbol when processing Aatrix Forms, however if the registration process fails, check to see if there are multiple ‘&’ symbols in the company name and correct as necessary):


On the AccuBuild main menu, go to File > System Administrator  > Configuration and check the Company Name field to temporarily remove the '&' symbol from the company name.   Choose the OK Button to save the changes, then return to the Aatrix Program to test the registration process.  You may change the company name to include the '&' symbol once the Aatrix registration has been updated successfully.